Our Mission
We engage youth in team-based service experiences that build life and work skills while inspiring a lifetime ethic of service.
Our Vision
Communities defined by compassion, selflessness, and respect for others.
Youth Volunteer Corps is Unique
Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) began in 1987 as a summer service program for Kansas City youth. Today, YVC is a network of affiliated organizations across the U.S. and Canada running that same program by engaging youth ages 11-18 in team-based, structured, diverse, flexible service-learning opportunities.
YVC affiliates include United Ways, YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, volunteer centers, parks and recreation departments, and other youth-serving organizations. Each YVC program looks a little different depending on the host organization and the local community, but they all implement the same program model and receive ongoing support and resources from YVC Headquarters.
Check to see if there is a Youth Volunteer Corps in your community. If not, maybe you can start one.
Our Four Fundamental Goals
1. – To engage youth in service projects that are challenging, rewarding and educational.
2. – To serve the unmet needs of the community and its residents.
3. – To promote among youth a greater understanding and appreciation for the diversity of their community.
4. – To promote a lifetime ethic of service among youth.
It’s All About Quality
Studies of youth who volunteer have found they can develop negative attitudes about service if they don’t feel that their efforts make a difference. That is why Youth Volunteer Corps has utilized the same model for more than 30 years.
Since 1987, Youth Volunteer Corps has witnessed more than 300,000 youth whose lives have been transformed by this model of service, including Matt:
Matt had trouble socializing with kids his age and got really upset over small things. But things changed when he started volunteering with YVC over the summer. He started acting more mature and showed a work ethic I had never seen. He started showing empathy for others and rarely asks for material things now. His general attitude has changed. He is more responsible, mature, and helpful. I no longer have to ask him to do chores—he asks if he can help me!
-Matt’s mother Angie
We recognize that stories like Matt’s don’t happen without an atmosphere that promotes learning, connection, and a sense of belonging. That’s why we work to ensure that every youth, on every YVC project, gets that kind of experience.
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Jason Heer at jason.heer@volunteerairdrie.ca or the Volunteer Airdrie office at 403-945-0904