Community resources

Welcoming Syrian Refugees

General resources

VARC – Volunteer Alberta Resource Centre is a comprehensive and easy-to-search resource catalogue

Road to Accountability Handbook – a project of Charity Central, develops resource materials and provides learning opportunities on accountability and transparency practices for registered charities and not-for-profits.

The Board Development Program and the Muttart Foundation produced a series of workbooks. They are distributed with the assistance of the VARC at Volunteer Alberta and Propellus (formerly Volunteer Calgary).

Board Governance E-Learning Resource

How to Keep Friends and Influence Meetings E-Learning Resource

The Board Development Program publishes information bulletins on a variety of board-related issues. Visit to download all the info for free.

Tools for engaging youth in volunteering

Volunteer Canada has created several tools to help organizations engage youth volunteers. Click on the publications below to learn more.

Building Blocks for Youth Volunteer Engagement

Building the Bridge to Youth Volunteers

Engaging Youth Effectively: A Case Study for Volunteer Centres

Making Room for Young People

10 Ways to Make Your Organization Youth Friendly

Volunteer Connections: New Strategies for Involving Youth


To get involved as a youth volunteer today or if you would like a youth volunteer presentation at your school contact: Volunteer Airdrie

Volunteer Resources for Youth

Develop Your Passion

Skills Self Assessment

Volunteer Etiquette 

Letter of Reference

Volunteer Quiz

Volunteer Management resources

When I work – FREE Volunteer Scheduling App (When I Work is inviting you to use their app to schedule your volunteers for free – forever!)

Volunteer Alberta Screening Resources

Volunteer Canada Screening Resources

Volunteer Recognition

2013 Volunteer Recognition Study

Volunteer Canada – Volunteer Recognition Tool

Energ!ze – Volunteer Recognition Skit Kit

Energ!ze – Things we love about Volunteers

Energ!ze – 77 Ways to recognize Volunteers

Energ!ze – Recognizing Volunteers and Paid Staff

Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement

The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement to support organizations that engage volunteers. The Code is a framework for involving volunteers in all levels of an organization. This includes volunteers working in leadership, direct service and virtual roles.

We encourage all organizations to think about how they engage volunteers. We can help!

View the full Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement

Training and Free online courses

We carefully select the resources provided below to ensure the content is relevant and meaningful will continue to expand training opportunities in governance and leadership.

Volunteer Alberta Resources

Volunteer Canada Library

Propellus Workshops

Vantage Point – Vancouver, BC

More than 200 e-learning courses, videos, and other training resources to any nonprofit professional.

Event Marketing

Promote your upcoming community event within the all new ShawTV Calgary website. Send us the date, time, location and title/description along with website address, contact phone number and/or email address, and we will post your event for everyone to see. Email Us:

Software donations

Qualified Canadian Nonprofits, Charities and public libraries can choose from a range of donated software applications. Find out more.


StatsCanada Volunteering Survey Report – 2013