Hear what people are saying about Volunteer Airdrie!

Thanks so much for your support, Dave! We were able to secure a volunteer thanks to you and your team’s efforts, which are such an enormous help. We’ve been struggling to fill that position so this has been a relief and will really help to enhance CultureFest. This is just one example of how there are so many folks behind the scenes helping to pull off this event.
Today was my second time attending The Volunteer Airdrie Cheers for Volunteers event at the Rocky View Schools Building. It is always first class and we always have a great time. It is always great to see Volunteers being appreciated. Thank you Volunteer Airdrie!
Awesome organization! If you want to get involved in the community, Volunteer Airdrie is the place to go!

With volunteering being such an integral part of our food bank community it is important to have a main contact point for those that are looking to volunteer and those that are needing volunteers. Volunteer Airdrie has been a great resource for volunteer recruitment, staff training and providing helpful resource information. The Airdrie Food Bank has benefited from Volunteer Airdrie’s social media sites to assist with advertising for volunteer positions and posting events. We have taken advantage of Volunteer Airdrie’s opportunities to post ads in local newspapers. Our board and staff have participated in professional development opportunities that have enhanced our agencies knowledge and skills. The scheduled monthly Volunteer Managers meetings have been wonderful venue to share ideas that help us to learn and grow. The Airdrie Food Bank appreciates all that Volunteer Airdrie has to offer and value their willingness to do whatever is needed to help our agency. Thanks!

A strong volunteer base demonstrates the health of a community. It is critical to support an organization that develops the not-for-profit organizations in the City through networking, training, and resources. We have seen a great growth in the organization and the quality of the services it offers over the last year. We appreciate the new services that Volunteer Airdrie is offering; services that move beyond volunteers: board development, fund development, etc.

Volunteer Airdrie has been facilitating monthly meetings which is something we do not have in Calgary since the disbanding of ADVR (Association of Directors of Volunteer Resources). It is so beneficial to meet with other professionals in the field. It gives an opportunity to share best practices, to brainstorm how to deal with issues we all run in to as well as to build a supportive network.
Volunteer Airdrie has also brought in workshops of interest to the community at a very reasonable cost. This allows organizations to participate in building skills and learning how to improve their programs which in turn benefits the community.
In a time where communities are being asked to provide more services with little to no government support, Volunteer Airdrie is filling a real need. I am privileged to … have engaged with Volunteer Airdrie and have recommended others to as well. Although my organization has its office located in Calgary, we serve Calgary and Area which includes Airdrie up to Olds and south as well. Working with volunteer Airdrie has allowed us to get our opportunities and word of programs we offer out to the communities where we may not be as well known.

Volunteer Airdrie helps Bethany Airdrie in many ways.
The online Volunteer opportunities are a great way to recruit new volunteers especially with the growth we have seen in Airdrie, new citizens wanting to volunteer have Volunteer Airdrie to thank.
I have taken advantage of the postings and newspaper ads to promote events, acknowledge volunteers and recruit. The monthly networking meetings are a great way to get ideas, find out what is happening in the community and learn from each other. The training offered is something that fits my volunteer budget, helps me to provide a better service and learn and share ideas not only from the facilitator but other organizations.
Thank you for all you do! Keep up the great work!