Volunteer Managers Meeting
Volunteer Airdrie builds capacity and increases collaboration within and between our local non-profit community by organizing lunch-hour Volunteer Managers Meetings. This is a great opportunity for volunteer managers from non-profit organizations to meet and network with their peers from other agencies.
At each meeting, a guest speaker will present information on an aspect of working with volunteers, with the goal of assisting volunteer managers increase their efficiency and effectiveness.
Meetings are hosted by Volunteer Airdrie at its offices in Community Links (125 Main Street North, Room 201/202) every second Wednesday of the month from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., except for the July and August summer break. A light lunch and refreshments will be supplied.
For more information on how to join this program and the schedule of upcoming meetings, please contact Leon Cygman at leon.cygman@volunteerairdrie.ca, or Dave Maffitt at (403) 993-5034.