Volunteer Airdrie is updating its research on the levels of volunteerism (formal and informal) in the Airdrie area, as well as identifying barriers to volunteerism. This year’s survey is an update to similar research done in 2017 and 2019, where we found that about 47% of respondents volunteer, but only 2 out of 3 volunteers do their volunteerism in Airdrie. We will also be measuring social well-being of volunteers and non-volunteers to see if volunteerism contributes to social well-being. Results from the survey will guide us in developing new programming to support increased volunteerism in the future.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would take a few minutes to complete our survey!
By contributing time, energy, and skills to their community, people gain a greater sense of belonging and connection. They are more likely to care for their environments and the people around them; imagine less graffiti, more local shopping, less crime, more block parties, and increasing community pride. This is especially important in a rapidly growing city like Airdrie, where we are seeing the strains of growth and below-average levels of community volunteerism.
The research shows that volunteers are more likely to lead connected lives, improving their personal well-being and sense of meaning. As a result, we see less social isolation which is often linked to stress and to poor health – this will reduce health care costs. Imagine the improved impact for social benefit organizations, whose strong volunteer base makes them more able to deliver on their mandates! We are working towards an inclusive and neighbourly Airdrie that is well-known for its caring citizens who make a difference wherever they can.
To empower Airdrie residents to invest in themselves and their community through volunteerism.
“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
— Mahatma Gandhi
AirdrieFEST 2018

Canada Day 2018

Viva Mexico 2018

Airdrie Seniors & Disabled Festival 2019